Many companies offer clear aligners by mail, declaring that customers can achieve a straight smile from the comfort of their own homes. Clear aligners appear to offer a budget-friendly and convenient option for those who want straight teeth without a significant lifestyle change.
While it may seem tempting, these systems can be ineffective, inadequate, or downright unsafe.
Invisalign® Braces: Why You Should Not Use Mail-Order Aligners
Silverdale Dental Center knows that the Invisalign clear braces system works, which is why we provide these award-winning clear aligner treatments for our patients. Mail-order aligner companies may promise equivalent results, but these teeth-straightening options are not all that they seem.
Discover the other side of do-it-yourself, mail-order aligner treatments.
You May Need To Pay For Separate X-rays, Scans, or Impressions
To find a proper fit for clear aligners, the provider will create an accurate map of your teeth to create the best treatment plan. Professional impressions, scans, and x-rays are crucial for a complete and accurate picture of what your personal needs are. These are included as a necessary part of in-office Invisalign treatments. Those who opt for at-home treatments may need to seek an outside provider for these things and pay out of pocket.
The Impressions May Be Faulty
Clear aligners rely not only on accurate impressions for success, but also on the expertise of the provider in achieving meticulously captured images, scans, and impressions. A faulty impression may produce aligners that are ill-fitting, uncomfortable, or ultimately ineffective. This can lead to increased dental problems later on.
Clear Braces May Not Work for Everyone
Clear aligner trays are not suited for those with severe misalignment concerns or those with various dental health issues. Only a qualified dental provider can adequately assess your candidacy for this treatment, and ensure your oral health.
Your Treatment Is Not Properly Adjusted
Using mail-order aligner companies does not give you access to in-person appointments and adjustments throughout the treatment. Without in-person access to professionals to oversee and adjust the aligners, there is no way to know if treatment needs to be changed or stopped completely.
Mail-Order Technology Is Usually Outdated
Professional, in-office orthodontic systems use advanced imaging techniques to craft custom aligners molded specifically for your smile. From imaging options to the aligner trays themselves, mail-order technology often represents outmoded practices and materials.
Mail-Order Could End up Costing You More
If you capture inaccurate impressions, you will receive mismatched aligners that may cause your teeth to move into the wrong position and require more expensive treatments to correct. Mail-order aligners often take longer than in-office treatments, as well, due to limited technology and unsupervised treatments, which could increase your total price tag over time.
Can Mail-Order Aligners Mess Up My Bite?
Absolutely! With mail-order aligners, your teeth may migrate into position at either a slower or faster rate, which can compromise your smile tooth by tooth. Because you do not receive a comprehensive exam before starting treatment with a mail-order aligner company, you may end up doing more harm than good with the at-home system.
Only supervised orthodontic treatments can make sure your teeth are shifting into place safely and efficiently. Without routine appointments, your teeth can become damaged and your bite jeopardized.
Are You Ready for a Stunning Smile?
At Silverdale Dental Center, we help our patients to straighten their smiles and keep them healthy with professional Invisalign treatments. Each of our Invisalign® treatment plans is customized to achieve an ideal smile upgrade as comfortably and safely as possible.
We use Invisalign’s advanced technology to offer the best clear aligners in the industry to our patients. A straight smile is outstanding to have, but a healthy one is even more important.
Call Silverdale Dental Center Today To Schedule Your FREE Consultation Right Now
Contact us today to discuss your Invisalign treatment options and get started on the path to a straighter smile.