We know that kids require frequent snacks to fuel their growing bodies. Healthy eating habits help lead to healthy teeth and some snacks tend to increase the risk of cavities due to their sticky or high sugar nature. A good rule of thumb is the longer a food remains in the mouth the greater the […]
Invisalign at Silverdale Dental Center
Have you ever thought about straightening your teeth? One very popular option you may have heard of is Invisalign. Invisalign is an incredible method for straightening and improving the position of your teeth without traditional brackets and wires. Here at Silverdale Dental Center, we take on Invisalign cases both big and small. We use Invisalign […]
Top 5 Questions Answered by your favorite Pediatric Dentist!
Dr. Kaitlin Neste, Silverdale’s favorite pediatric dentist, answers the 5 most commonly asked questions about keeping your children’s teeth healthy. When should my child have his or her first visit to Silverdale Dental Center? The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends a child have their first dental visit 6 months after their first tooth erupts […]
I haven’t been to the dentist in forever…now what?
Tip 1: Start with a call to your dental insurance. This is an easy step and it doesn’t involve any of those scary dental instruments. Call your dental insurance and make sure you are still eligible and all of your information is up-to-date. Our team at Silverdale Dental Center will need that information when […]
Welcome to Silverdale Dental Center’s Blog!
Welcome to our new Silverdale Dental Center Blog! We are excited to bring you advice from the best dental team in Silverdale and provide our patients with much needed resources on keeping their mouths healthy and clean. Our office blog will bring you exciting information on the latest advancements in dental technology, research and helpful […]